With the boom of social media in recent years, more and more companies make investment in social media marketing a priority in their engagement strategy. Social media provides ample opportunity for marketing through sharing texts, images, and videos, and helps boost sales and brand visibility.(1) Social media also gives you the opportunity to position ... [Full story]
With the advent of technology and modern applications, data has become predominantly unstructured in the form of text, video files, social media posts, and emails. As a result, it has become harder to manage since it does not have a specific format and does not fit traditional database models.(1) By 2022, it is forecast that 93% of all data in the ... [Full story]
The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region has become one of the most attractive regions for foreign investment and outsourcing in recent years. According to the Financial Times, economic growth in the region for 2017 is 2.5% and is expected to rise to 2.6% in 2018(1). In light of Brexit, many UK companies turn to outsourcing as a way to employ ... [Full story]
Monica Angelova, Founder and Managing Director of Intelligence Pathways is delivering a presentation on Integrated Intelligence Professional and Closing the
Financial Skills Gap along with Tina Bundgaard from Denmark for SCIP University at the 22nd SCIP European Summit in Portugal.
The 22nd SCIP European Summit in Portugal taking place 13-15 ... [Full story]
Monica Angelova, Founder and Managing Director of Intelligence Pathways is delivering a presentation on Integrated Intelligence in the Era of Social Media along with Tina Bundgaard from Denmark for SCIP University at the 21th SCIP European Summit in Prague.
The 21st Annual SCIP European Summit taking place 7-9 November, 2016 at the Prague Marriott ... [Full story]
Monica Angelova, Founder and Managing Director of Intelligence Pathways is one of the key notes delivering a presentation on Customer Intelligence, Insights and Analysis for SCIP/CICI The Advent of the New Silk Road in Shanghai China on March 31, 2016.
Monica Angelova, will be discussing the integration of customer insights with competitive ... [Full story]
Monica Angelova, Founder and Managing Director of Intelligence Pathways is delivering a presentation on Customer Intelligence, Insights and Analysis for SCIP University at the 20th Anniversary SCIP European Summit in Madrid on November 2, 2015. The summit will mark a running start with a SCIP University Fundamental Certification Track involving senior ... [Full story]
“And so if your competitors aren't growing, if there isn't a competitive reason to grow, and you want focus and discipline to add customers to existing stores, you adjust your strategy.” [Full story]
"The truth is, social media — when used strategically over time, is the most powerful form of marketing and market research the world has ever seen." [Full story]
"As technology makes it easier for a business to find and collaborate with outside expertise, a huge and competitive market for consultants will arise." [Full story]
" We think that there’s a beautiful co-existence between BI and Operational Intelligence. In fact, it’s almost obvious in plain sight that there’s a natural fit because the data warehouse is where you do strategic analysis for a business. " [Full story]
“In marketing I've seen only one strategy that can't miss - and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.” [Full story]