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Industry Expertise of Intelligence Pathways
We service number of industries, namely healthcare, medical devices, transportation, oil gas and energy utilities, financial services, CPG consumer products, telecom, IT, aerospace and aviation, defense and government, heavy and light industrials, and media. Our focus and experience is on both B2B and B2C areas. It has to be because our goal is not only to service our customers, but also to help our customers service their customers. We help our customers make money by providing the decision support, analytics and discipline as the underlying capabilities to create value with the customer and the customer’s customer.

Medical Devices

Medical Devices

Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Medical Device Market. Our principals have worked directly for Healthcare and medical device companies and are well versed in the issues facing global healthcare and device manufacturers. Whether you are conducting KOL [Key Opinion Leader] research or studying the complexities ...

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Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Healthcare Industry. Our principals have worked directly for Healthcare care setting environments and medical device companies and are well versed in the issues facing global healthcare and device manufacturers. We have researched and helped develop extensive plans for ...

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Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Transportation Industry. Our principals have consulted to the transportation industry in the areas of public transportation impact analysis, transport refrigeration and shipping cost analysis and logistics. We have also been involved extensively in strategic planning for ...

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Oil, Gas, Energy and Utilities

Oil, Gas, Energy and Utilities

Today, these markets are volatile and challenging given, like the Healthcare and Defense Industries, they are heavily regulated, Intelligence Pathways LTD has conducted a number of studies in these industry areas. Our principals have either worked directly for or consulted to the Oil, Gas, Energy or Utilities markets. Our experience includes studying ...

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Financial Services

Financial Services

Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Financial Services Industry. Our principals have consulted to the financial services industry in the areas of finance transformation and planning [both long range and planning and performance management]. We have consulted to some of the biggest investment firms in the U.S. ...

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Let’s face it. IF you are in business, you have a consumer. So, in many ways, every market is a consumer market. When we speak of consumer markets under this category, we refer to end consumers or B2C consumers. Many B2B companies also have consumer markets so there is some overlap in our capabilities and the markets we serve. For instance, ...

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Intelligence Pathways LTD services the telecommunications industry in several areas – security, cable, networks (both mobile and fixed operators), as well as equipment manufacturers). We realize that this sector is going through rough competition that drives margins down. While most of our services are suitable for the telecommunication companies, ...

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Information Technology

Information Technology

The IT sector continues to expand and there are new challenges and market trends immerging constantly. We can help you understand your market segment better and go beyond the numbers, trends and conclusions. We have staff with work experience coming from the IT industry and as insiders we can point you to the significant strategic information that your ...

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Aerospace and Aviation

Aerospace and Aviation

Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Aerospace and Aviation Industry. We have conducted impact analysis for airport traffic, developed full scale strategic planning and competitive assessments in the avionics industry, and worked on government programs focus on NASA, Over the Horizon Radar, and Missiles and Space ...

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Heavy and Light Industrials

Heavy and Light Industrials

Heavy and light industrial markets overlap some of the other market segments we speak of in our portfolio of expertise. Intelligence Pathways has worked with industries across the spectrum from commercial explosives to warehousing equipment manufacturing. Key to these markets is the understanding of manufacturing, product development and value chain ...

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Whether you are online media, broadcasting or print, Intelligence Pathways LTD has the experience to provide solutions to the companies from the media Industry. We can work with you on competitors tracking, primary research surveys, organizational build and support you with our back office services. Most of out services are appropriate for the ...

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Defense and Government

Defense and Government

INTELLIGENCE PATHWAYS DEFENSE RESEARCH [IPDR] Intelligence Pathways LTD has the direct experience to meet the needs of the Federal, Defense, Aerospace, State and Local and International Government markets through it’s JDR division. Our consultants are experienced in all aspects of the business including an understanding of the [FAR] Federal ...

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